2024 Event Locations Coming Soon
Alabama - Virginia - Oklahoma City - Tennessee - South Carolina

At RUSH, our free youth events are like an explosion of energy and enthusiasm where young people from every walk of life feel welcome! Imagine a dynamic, interactive experience with compelling worship where we tackle the very real challenges teenagers face today, all while infusing the hope we have through God’s love, mercy, and grace. Our gatherings are anything but ordinary, filled with fun, engaging activities and discussions that inspire without judgment. We firmly believe in offering hope to the seemingly hopeless world youth may find themselves in. Our conferences leave young hearts ignited through the truth of the Gospel message, ready for more, and believing in the incredible potential they hold to make a lasting, positive impact through a relationship with Jesus Christ.

When the conference buzz settles, the excitement continues through our exclusive “Ride the RUSH” post-event opportunities. Get ready for the RUSH App, your gateway to a weekly dose of devotionals and a seamless connection to digital discipleship. Here, you can continue in your faith journey, whether you are a new believer, or you are diving deeper into your relationship with the Lord. You can also connect with RUSH Ministries and a team of compassionate spiritual leaders eager to support, connect, and guide you in your journey. Uncover the path to your best life, rooted in the Gospel and a meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ, where we can walk the journey of faith together!
